Monday, June 27, 2011

Comment testing

This will sound like a shameless ploy to get more comments, but I've decided to post it anyway: I've recently learned of a person who tried to comment on one of my posts but whose comment was mysteriously eaten twice by Blogger. I couldn't find it either time, even in Blogger's spam filter, and am baffled as to why this problem arose. During approximately this same period of time no one else has happened to comment here either. Not that things are usually hopping, but that's exactly what makes it difficult to know if Blogger suddenly has some general problem with accepting comments to the blog.

I've been able to sign out and post test comments anonymously, but as this is still from my own IP I'm not sure that it is a good test.

So if you are not a member of my household and should feel the Spirit (or spirit) moving you to comment on a post, especially a recent post, this would be a good time, as it would let me see that Blogger isn't just eating all my readers' comments.


  1. Test comment. Test Comment.

    Don't eat me, Blogger!

  2. Well, that's a relief. At least people _can_ comment. What happened to the other person's comments I have no idea.

  3. No problem commenting here.

    I've wondered why Extra Thoughts doesn't get many comments and presumed it's because of the generally erudite and/or esoteric nature of the material on which discussion is invited.

  4. Perhaps it's also because not enough people have the good taste to appreciate southern gospel music...?

  5. Blogger doesn't eat me. I eat Blogger - for breakfast.

    This is a test.

  6. Your atheist filter isn't working.

    On a serious note, I am pleased to begin following this blog. I have heard Luke Muehlhauser discuss your work and, although I strongly disagree with many of your virews, I respect your vim, vigor and intellect. Best, TAM.

  7. YGG, you never know. I do sometimes get the feeling that my audience is left speechless by the Southern gospel music.

  8. Bill, you're welcome to "eat blogger for breakfast" any time by posting a comment on one of my posts here.

    Atheist Missionary, as you see, I don't have per se an atheist filter. I imagine you'll be one of the better-behaved of my atheist commentators. I have had one creep who was the initial motivation for turning on full moderation.

  9. Testing....

    I have had problems in the past where I would type and comment and it just wouldn't take it. So I gave up and went away...

  10. This one's here, Gina! (I'm not always real fast on moderation, though.)
