Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day

Please see my Father's Day post if you have not already seen it over at What's Wrong With the World. (Aside: It really seems like it should be "Fathers' Day." Wikipedia says that the woman who originally suggested the holiday called it "Fathers' Day" but that Congress passed the declaration for it with the apostrophe moved over.)

An addendum to that post, which didn't seem to fit in it smoothly: I am adopted. Mr. and Mrs. W. adopted me as a seven-month-old baby. There are a couple of different back-stories to this, most of which I knew nothing about until I was grown. Suffice it to say that I have every reason to be extremely grateful for my adoption and for the stability and love that I have received.


William Luse said...

"I have every reason to be extremely grateful for my adoption and for the stability and love that I have received."

Most of us who know you have reason to be grateful, too. Most of the time. Which is almost all the time.

Lydia McGrew said...

Thanks, Bill. I think, or most of the time, or something like that. :-)

祁禾 said...
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